
20 August 2012

Annoying Monday

Well, I was going to write lots of witty stuff here about witty things, but I can't because I'm tired as a mofo.  Today was the first day back to work, and let's just say I didn't like it nearly as much as I did when I returned after maternity leave.  Maybe it's because Charlie and I get along a lot better now, or maybe it's because this year is threatening to be quite problematic, but I'm not feeling as enthusiastic as I should be at this point.  I'm trying to be optimistic and not dwell on everything that is annoying, but it's proving difficult.

Here are a few quick notes about things from lately.

1.  Charlie is on real food now!  Hurrah!  We were planning to wait until he was six months old, but changes to schedules and some weird health things have made my body decide that it doesn't like making as much  milk as my tapeworm baby requires (MOOOOOOOOO!) (WTF?  How ever am I supposed to make that special ice cream now?), so we decided that we'd rather supplement with bananas and sweet potatoes and avocados than formula if we can.  So that's what we're doing.  And the boy loves it so far!  Today it was bananas (mostly because that's what we had and it's a good first food, but also because I can holler "Charlie Bananas!"), and he was a little food-eating rock star.  Excitement!

2.  I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest.  Really, pinners of the world?  Really?  That cookie tastes just like your Nana's famous chocolate chip cookie but has healing properties and is only 2 calories per cookie?  Yeah?  What are the ingredients?  Oh?  Sugar and peanut butter?  Uh huh.  Okay.  This weekend Shecky and I got a little bitchy and made a fake pin of a cookie that is loaded with chocolate and peanut butter and sugar but "only has 12 calories per cookie."  And, also, we said that it was pooped out by unicorns.  Within minutes, that shit was re-pinned like a dozen times.  Then some crazy pinning woman decided that she should correct us and say that we should try again with the calorie count.  Yeah?  But the pooped out by unicorns part was totally feasible?  Got it.

3.  Breaking Bad this season is freaking me out.

4.  I know I've already gone on and on about it, but you really need to get Dinner: A Love Story.  Every single meal we have made from that book is amazeballs (I think we've made 8 now).  We already cooked all the time and I feel like the book is changing my life.  I can only imagine how obsessed I'd be if we'd had it before we had a decent repertoire of meals.  Get it.  And then thank Cassie, because she's the one who told us about it in the first place.

5.  Def had a dream last night that I was having an affair with Joe Biden and was meeting him in a hotel restaurant.  Sexiest vice president of all time, right?

Anyway, that's all I've got.  Here are some pictures of Baby Charlie and sweet Mitchell and stuff.

Bumgenius made a diaper in my favorite color! 

Ann was here for the weekend and little buddy got to meet her.  They were instant friends.   

Is he flipping us off?

Here's hoping that the week gets less annoying from here!

1 comment:

  1. Like Woody gets better. Unless you are Amber....
