
15 October 2012

Oops! I Did It Again.

Knocked up again.

Due April 20.

Pretty sure it's a girl (if only because I want it to be a boy).

Yes, it was planned.

Yes, we are crazy.

More later.


  1. Yay, baby F! Also, I think (s)he looks pretty different from Charles in that picture. A Matt twin, perhaps?

  2. Congrats!! I have to admit I ALREADY KNEW!!! I walked into Sue's about 5 minutes after you called waay back when and I totally guessed! Congrats!! i guess I'd better be finding another grosvenor baby spoon!!!

  3. 2 things. 1) CONGRATS on the new little one!! 2) I blame you for having the Brittnay Spears song "Opps I did it again" stuck in my head! Love you guys!

  4. WOW! Congratulations--how amazing...2 little ones :) Hope you are feeling good and taking it easy mama!
