
24 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

From all of us to all of you, the internet:

Merry Christmas!  May your days be full of wild rumpuses.


Matt, Mandy, Charlie (resident king of the wild things, though he is actually the most wild thing of all), Mitchell, and young female fetus.


Those were the best ones from our Christmas card photo session.  (Remember that we haven't forgotten about our wonderful pup, it's just that he had mange and was wearing a cone and had a swollen eye and no fur on his face when we were taking Christmas card photos.  And nobody wants a mangey dog on display, especially at Christmas.)

But here's my third favorite, though it just wasn't Christmas card material.  Kid's crazy.

Merry Christmas!  Eat too much and drink too much and chillax and wear slippers all day and laugh and take naps!

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