
28 July 2009

Puppy IVF

This weekend we went to visit Hugh and Cassie in Augusta, where we met our nephew Fletcher for the first time.

I really do feel the way about puppies--particularly puppies who will grow into big dogs--the way that many women feel about babies. It hurts me on the inside, and I love all of his little puppy stuff. Tiny milk bones? Fat puppy bellies? Sweet stinky puppy breath?

Look at him! (Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I had to steal these from Cassie.)

Big awkward puppy feet. . .

And a sad puppy face.

If I've said it once, I've said it a billion times: Puppies are way better than babies. So, I'll be going to the doctor in the next few weeks to start the IVF treatments. Puppy birth, here I come!
(And it was great to hang out with Cassie and Hugh as well.)

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