
10 September 2009


This week has been a bit of a a suckfest sickfest for me. I've been sick since Monday, not crazy sick or hospital sick, but sick enough to be unhappy.
And I've been a whiny baby about it. I've used my sort-of illness as an excuse to:
  • be a bitch
  • eat too much
  • skip exercising
  • revert to bad habit of coma naps
  • whine
  • procrastinate at work

I've also developed a new compulsion--taking my temperature. I'm obsessed. I take my temperature approximately 30 times per day (current temperature, 99.6). It's the very first thing I do when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I do before I go to bed. I keep thinking of the sitcom episode--I believe it was an early Full House--where the child (DJ?), attempting to stay home from school, put the thermometer up to the light bulb and got it to read something like 110 degrees. I'm really not far past that. I repeatedly take my temperature, sticking the thermometer in different parts of my mouth to find which part is the hottest. I won't take my temperature if I've just taken a sip of a cold drink, but I love to take it if I've just eaten something hot.

And, honestly, I'm kind of rooting for a fever. Isn't that stupid? Basically, I feel that if I'm going to be uncomfortable and unable to breathe at night, I should also be able to stay home from work, sleep all day, whine, and make Matt fetch things for me and pet my head.

But, alas, no staying home for this girl. Not me, not now (Remember the abstinence campaign on the radio that had that as its slogan? I'm pretty sure I have a homemade tshirt with the same saying!) It's too early in the school year to be out of work. Plus, I'm saving sick days for the swine flu, which I will almost certainly get because of all of the jokes I made last spring.

Here's hoping that you are feeling better than I am.

Current temperature, 99.3. Oh, what a roller coaster!

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