
09 September 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things.

There are so many things I love: Mitch, cupcakes, sleeping, Matt, good friends, boxed wine, my little sister, the couch, and any combination of them.

But one of my very favorite favorite favorite things? Birth control. I love it, I find it liberating and empowering, and I firmly believe that if more people were on birth control (and used it correctly), then the world would be a happier and safer place.

And the more time I spend with 14-year olds, the more I believe in birth control.

Check out the awesome birth control effectiveness chart above.

I've decided that getting people to use birth control--understand it, revere it--is the cause of my life.

And it works--if the user simply follows the directions. I can't tell you how many times I've heard girls talk about how they got pregnant while they were on birth control, only to disclose later that they weren't actually taking it, or that maybe they had missed a few days here and there. Such idiocy infurates me. And if you examine the above birth control effectiveness chart (which I highly recommend), you'll see that the 2-8 women per 100 who still get pregnant while they are on, say, the pill, get pregnant because they are not properly using the medication.

I mean, seriously. If I have a bad headache and want it to go away, I can take Advil to alleviate the pain. I wouldn't dream, however, of claiming that the Advil was ineffective in curing headache pain if I didn't take it, or if I just looked at the bottle of Advil and sang a song, failing to actually take the pill.

We've probably all known a girl or two who "accidentally" got pregnant "even though [she] was on the pill." Uh huh. Yeah. Another name for those girls is "liars" or "The Virgin Mary" or "opportunists" or "crazy bitches." Pick your favorite.

I've known a handful of these girls, the ones who seem to view having a baby as a solution to the problems in their lives. Very smart, very wise, ladies. Sometimes I wonder if one of them was the one who sent in the above picture to Post Secret.

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