
29 September 2009

What I'm Watching

I really love the beginning of autumn. I love the crisp days and the hearty meals, the thought of wearing sweaters and hats and scarves. But one of the best things about this time of year? A NEW SEASON OF TV!

Here are some quick reviews of five shows that will get me through the school year:

1. The Office. I wasn't thrilled with the whole pregnancy thing, but I have faith that the writers will pull it off with plenty of awkward, I'm-embarrassed-for-them moments. And I'm particularly excited for the upcoming wedding episode. I love me a good tv wedding episode. Don't let me down, Office writers.

PS--The original version of The Office is quite the treat. Ricky Gervais, oh dear God. I'm uncomfortable just thinking about his interpretation of the boss, David Brent. It's like the American Office, only on crack.

2. The Hills. Out with the old and in with the new. Lauren's gone, Kristin has arrived, and all hell is about to break loose. (She's trying to snag Justin Bobby!) My 30-minute elliptical workout flies by when I'm watching--and by watching I mean feeling superior and passing judgment. I think I hate every single person on this show.

3. The City. This show is the tv equivalent of a Little Debbie snack or a Savory Toaster Strudel--so horrible, but absolutely delightful. It actually makes The Hills seem credible. Whitney's vapid New York friends and coworkers (particularly Olivia and Roxy) make Spencer and Heidi look like Gandhi and Bill Gates. Even though I'm a girl whose idea of fashion is a ratty tshirt, jeans, and flip-flops, the artificial glimpse into the fashion world fascinates me. But so do train wrecks.

4. TOP CHEF! What great fun. After a healthy dose of reality tv garbage, it's nice to watch a show where the contestants actually have talent. And this season may be the best yet. It's Vegas, Baby, and the stakes are higher.
Matt and I actually play a game when we watch quality reality television. During the season premiere we pick contestants to root for. Matt has bearded Kevin, weird Ashley who looks like a boy, and Mike, the younger Voltaggio brother. Team Mandy is Jenn the super bitch who is awesome and just might win, Bryan the older Voltaggio brother, and kerchief-wearing Mattin, who has already been eliminated. Dammit! He had a kerchief! I thought for sure he'd be in the final three!

5. The Amazing Race. This show is actually the best reality show on tv, and we pick teams for this one, too. I have done pretty well with picking teams in life; I've thrice picked the winners. THRICE! Matt has the Harlem Globetrotters (and I'm so jealous) and the good-looking blonde soccer-playing couple. I have Justin and Zev (Matt's so jealous) and the older couple who met on the internet. I always pick the older couples.
What are you watching this time of year? Any suggestions?


  1. I was a super fan of The Hills but I think I'm done now that LC is gone. I never got into Kristin Cavallari. I'm still a super fan of The City....soooo good it's bad.

    I also love Top Chef and Amazing Race. I'm loyal to Project Runway too. Don't kill me, but I'm one of the 2% of the population not watching or obssessed with The Office.

  2. Yeah, I love LC too. The City is just awfully wonderful, isn't it? What's with Olivia? And Roxy? Is Whitney and idiot to associate with these see you next Tuesdays?

    I haven't watched Project Runway before, but I'm sure I'd be hooked. Maybe I'll catch a marathon some lazy Saturday.

    You don't watch The Office? Do you dislike it or have you just never watched it?

  3. I've actually never watched The Office. It just never appealed to me. I'm not sure I enjoy that kind of humor, though I'm not even sure how to describe it.

    I'm sure that Bravo (now Lifetime) will do a Project Runway marathon. You'd probably like it, if for nothing else it's a competition with bitchy, catty fashion designers.

    Olivia is ridiculous! Who yells at their boss their first day on the job? Though I do think that woman (Erin, maybe?) is gunning for her, which I love. Roxy is ridiculous and it's so clear that Kelly Cutrone knows that Roxy is not Whitney's friend. Why Whitney doesn't know this, I don't get...

    P.S. I'm sorry I'm late in responding. I forget to check back to see if you posted back to my post.
