
01 October 2009

Hello, October!

A few fun facts:
  • I moved to Savannah six years ago today. Never did I imagine that I would be here this long.
  • In case you were wondering, you can totally connect Edward Scissorhands to The Crucible. It's a bit of a stretch, yes, but it's lovely. (My Johnny Depp-obsessed sister thinks that he looks hot in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Our Johnny Depp-obsessed cousin thinks he looks hot in Edward Scissorhands. I prefer Johnny Depp the pirate. Aargh!)
  • Friday Night Lights is one of the best things ever. We watched four episodes just last night. Seasons one and two are only $15 each at Target. Go buy them now. It's okay, I'll wait. . .
  • With October comes one of my favorite seasonal treats, Jones's Lemon Drop Dead soda. Mmmmmmmmmmm. . .it's like drinking a lemonhead! And I love lemonheads.

Should I or should I not celebrate today's Savanniversary by adding some booze to this tasty soda? Methinks I should, but maybe tomorrow when it's not a school night. Nobody likes a teacher with a hangover.


  1. Johhny looks good as both a Chocolateer, and a Scissorhandman. He's just too good looking to look bad..................that's skill.

  2. Ha ha. I know he's handsome, but he sure does play some creepy-looking characters!

    Have you checked out 21 Jump Street? That's a Johnny Depp closer to your age.
