
16 November 2009

"Hurricane Gloria didn't break the porch swing--Monica did!"

We've already discussed how Matt is the big reader in our home, and how I'm functionally illiterate. Not only am I a distracted reader, but I am really slow, too. My tortoise-like style would be annoying anyway, but it's super annoying given that I married Matt: America's Brainy Speed Reader.

I always knew that Matt was a much faster reader than me, but I didn't see it in action until we began watching Jeopardy! religiously. When a clue comes up, I am not finished reading the first line of it when Matt is shouting out an answer. I don't stand a chance--unless the category is one of the following: the Bible (a guess one good thing came from Baptist school), Olympic cities, and art. Matt doesn't know anything about art. I think it's because he's colorblind.

He's more into books, anyway.

A week or so ago, Matt bought a slew of books from Barnes and Noble, one of which was Chuck Klosterman's Eating the Dinosaur.

Now, I can't really provide you a critique of the book, because I haven't read it. I might, you know, if I grow an attention span, tire of everything else I love, and become a bed-ridden insomniac. So, unless this perfect storm should arise, chances are I won't be reading the book. But I like the idea of reading the book. And I bet it's really good. Matt's been laughing really loudly while he's been reading it.
Chuck Klosterman's academic and insightful approach to pop culture is super fun to read (I've read parts.). In this book, he has a passage about one of my favorites, Friends. (That, since it was only a few pages, I did manage to read in its entirety.)
Here's a quick excerpt:

"Like almost all successful TV ensembles, the plots on Friends weren't a fraction as important as the characters and who played them--especially as the seasons wore on, the humor came from our familiarity with these characters' archetypes. People who liked Friends literally liked the friends. Audiences watched the show because they felt like they had a relationship with the cast."

Hmmmmmm. And what episode does he reference? "The One Where Old Yeller Dies"! (The one I referenced yesterday.) Basically, I am Chuck Klosterman. Except for, of course, the vast intellect and the coolness and the red hair and the beard.

For the record, though, Ross is my favorite friend.
Who's yours?


1 comment:

  1. Almost every day, your posts make me laugh out loud. As your Friends-loving soulmate, I know how much you like Ross. I was straight Phoebe for MANY years, but in the later seasons switched my affection for Joey and his facial expressions and antics. Ross weirded me out for a few seasons, BUT he's by far the best actor. "YOU WERE MY FIRST KISS WITH RACHEL?!!" "YOU WERE MY FIRST KISS EVER!@?!"!"
