
14 July 2010

Random and Scattered and Weird

Life here at M Cubed has been crazy lately, resulting in a lack of posts.  What sucks is that the crazy is mostly either too boring to post, or far too juicy to post, and I can't share too much with you right now.  (I know that sucks, but all in due time, people.)

The good news is that I'm eating fresh pineapple and that I get to look at this cute face when I wake up in the morning.  Also good is that we're headed out to Matt's parents' lake house soon for some much needed relaxation.  Oh, and I completed my big "painting the floor to look like the ocean" project, and I'll do a big reveal for you when we return, tanned and rejuvenated.

(Mitch, lying on my leg, being morningtime cuddle friend)

(hanging out and watching Friday Night Lights)

The bad news is that I think we have a woodpecker ghost outside, and it's driving me crazy.  Also, so many things in our lives are up in the air right now that it's hard to focus on my phone Scrabble (but I'm still averaging over 300 points per game, so that's good). 

One more thing.  One of my teacher friends from school has started a new blog where she provides reviews of Savannah restaurants and discusses other food-related oddities.  Today she and I went to my favorite place in Savannah, Back in the Day Bakery, and, as usual, it did not disappoint.  I had some sort of fancy grilled cheese sandwich with chicken on fancy bread.  I could have eaten five of those sandwiches, they were so good. (Check out her blog for more pictures of the bakery itself.)

And what's a trip to Back in the Day without an old-fashioned cupcake?

Expect posting to slow a bit in the next week or so.  Right now I'm off to finish packing and laundry and dishes and everything else I have to do to be on the road by 7:00.  Eek!

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