
15 July 2010

Towel Howl.

Vacation is incredible, isn't it?  We arrived at the lake house around two a.m., nervous that the key wouldn't still be in its hiding place and that we would be spending the night sleeping in the great outdoors.  Fortunately, the key was there and we instead slept in a plush bed.  (Matt's mom is the master of the comfortable bed.)

Already I'm feeling more relaxed, less stressed.  So is Mitch.

This morning, while Matt slept in (I slept approximately four and a half hours of the six hour drive), I walked Mitchell down to the dock to relax.  I began to re-read Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim (secretly wishing that I'd grown up in the Sedaris household) while Mitch sat in the sun, dog-smiling away.  After about thirty minutes, Mitch got up, went to the steps, and took a little dip in the water.  Completely unprompted, completely natural (he is a wild swamp dog, after all).  I guess he just needed to cool off. 

Now he's confused because I won't let him on the couch, and he seems less than thrilled about his new wardrobe.

If this pisses him off, just wait until he find out that Fletcher will be here in a few minutes.

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