
05 September 2010

Cream Cheese Poundcake

Here's why life's been awesome lately:
  1. I had the smoothest, most lovely first week of school yet.  It was so good, in fact, that I'm left with that "waiting for the other shoe to drop" feeling.  Hopefully that other shoe stays waaaaay up in the air.  And hopefully my little baby ninth graders stay as sweet as they were this week (there is a zero percent chance of that happening) and hopefully my eleventh graders don't knock me off of the pro-baby wagon. 
  2. Speaking of the pro-baby wagon, Matt and I have been ridin' it for 28 days now.  Like being possessed by the devil, I tell you.  I'd also be a damned liar if I didn't admit to having fantasized about: decorating a nursery, naming a little girl an old lady name, watching Matt be an awesome dad, and teaching a little human how to be completely awesome.  I'm less excited about: being pregnant, spending all of our extra money on that little person with the old person name, not being able to pay as much attention to Mitch, getting even more fat than I already am, and not being able to take naps whenever I want.
  3. Speaking of naps, I took a 5-hour one on Thursday night.  That's right, lest we forget, Mandy is the world champion of nap-taking.  What was even more impressive was that, upon waking from that 5-hour nap, I took a shower (which I hardly ever do) and graded a big stack of papers.  My productivity the night before made for an easy day at school on Friday.
  4. Speaking of school on Friday, it was the best ever--not because I got to read "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" with my juniors (because I hate the Puritans more than I hate Ashlee Simpson), but because we got FREE CHICK-FIL-A!  I don't know why we got free sandwiches, but there's nothing like some free chicken sandwiches to make an already good day even better.
  5. And speaking of delicious food, when I got home on Friday, I made a cream cheese poundcake. I didn't even know that was a thing until one of the women at work requested that I make one. So I set out for a recipe, and went to town. (Well, I didn't really go to town so much as I went to Publix, and then went back to my glorious happy kitchen to do some baking.) Check it out.
  6. (Notice the gorgeous Amish Butterprint bowls.  They're not only beautiful, but better because of the little spout things.  Made for a better baking experience.)
    (From what I understood, I needed to fill the pan to be very full because there were no leavening agents in the batter.  I may have gone a little wild with this instruction.)
    (See?  And it gets worse.)
    (Oh well.  More crispy pieces for me to eat.)
    (What I really want to do is to pan-fry this piece of cake in some butter and then eat it with Thomas Jefferson's Vanilla Ice Cream.  I also want my jeans to continue to fit, so I guess I'll pass on that idea.)
    Cream Cheese Poundcake (adapted from this recipe)
1 1/2 cups butter
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
2 cups white sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla extract (I used vanilla bean paste)
6 eggs
3 cups cake flour

1.Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease one 10 inch tube pan.
2.Cream together the butter, cream cheese, and sugar until light. Stir in the vanilla extract. Add the flour and the eggs alternately, beginning and ending with the flour. Pour batter into the prepared pan.
3.Bake at 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Enjoy the rest of this long weekend!


  1. Good recipe, when our kitchen gets put back together I'll have to try it! Also, I'm wondering what is on your kitchenaid--is that a special bowl or an attachment? (I'm guessing it helps keep the flour from spewing all over the place when adding?)

    Joy (always pro-baby!)

  2. Hey, Joy! The thing on the mixer is some kind of shield. My Kitchenaid is super old--probably from the '60s or '70s, so some of the pieces look a little different from the more modern models.

    You should definitely try the pound cake. It's tasty. I think it'd be great as the cake part of a shortcake, too. Or just with some fresh berries and whipped cream. . .

    What are you doing to the kitchen?

  3. YUMMMMM!!!! Also, I'm so glad you had such a great week at school! Teacher Prep Week absolutely exhausted me and now my computer is on the fritz (grrr expensive macbook), but I will call you tomorrow!
