
26 January 2011


Sometimes it's really hard for me to resist free stuff, even if I have absolutely no use for it or if it's complete junk.  It's a flaw of mine, and I'm working on it.

Also, I'm not really allowed to go on the free section of Craigslist because I always end up clicking on cute dogs who need homes and we've decided about 400 different times that it would be a bad idea to get another dog (Mitch is an only pet).  Then I get all depressed and sad and sometimes I start crying. 

But the other day I randomly clicked on the free Craigslist thing, and ended up getting a super cool dresser for free.  (It's going to be so awesome I can't even stand it.)

So now I'm all thinking I'm going to hit free Craigslist gold with every visit, which is silly and foolish.

I was tempted to go check this out, even if just for entertainment.  I mean, an Irishman dumping clothes in an alley in a waterproof bag?  What's not fun about that? 

I ended up thinking better of it because I don't really need clothes right now, and knowing me I would grab the wrong bag and the bag I grabbed would be full of snakes and spiders and jumpy frogs and then it would be the worst day ever.

I should've quit Craigslist's free page with that ad.

But then--then! 

Who can turn down a free piece of ass?

Ha!  Jokes.  And free donkeys!

Will you please ask Matt if I can get a pet donkey?*

*Annnnnnnd. . .I've officially run out of ways to waste time on the internet.


  1. You've run out of time...have you been to love it!

    Also, do you stumble???

    I just watched Time Travelers Wife and can't stop weeping.

  2. I've never seen Time Traveler's Wife. That seems like a good HBO Saturday night flick. And, no, I haven't stumbled. It sounds dangerous. Is it?
