
25 January 2011

This and That

Here's what fun and exciting in our neck of the woods.

1.  Green Bay is going to the Super Bowl.  Now, I don't care about football (unless we're talking about high school football in Dillon, Texas), but I am excited about Green Bay's success this year.  I have three reasons for this enthusiasm.  1.) Aaron Rodgers, who is their handsome bearded quarterback, won Matt a fantasy football league this year.  Cha-ching!  2.) Green Bay has the best uniforms.  3.) I bought Baby June a hat in the Green Bay colors (her dad's a big fan), and I think it'd be extra cool if they went on to win.

2.  My favorite mechanic who works on Volvos, Mike from Auto Intensive Care (he's tied with my other favorite mechanic, Paul, who is handsome and honest and is always wiping his hands with a towel in a very handsome way--oh, and he is really good at fixing cars) sent an email today where they have some car care package where you can get like $600 worth of car maintenance stuff for $99.  It's a crazy good deal, and it's crazy smart on his part.  If you live in Savannah, I recommend calling Auto Intensive Care and signing up.  (I can email you the details if you'd like--just leave a comment.)

3.  Another thing for Savannah folk: you need to go eat at Saigon Bistro.  We went there on Sunday for lunch and it was omigod good.  The food was fresh and delicious and cheap (the most expensive thing on the menu was $8), and I'll be really sad if they go out of business.  So go there already!

4.  Our new semester starts tomorrow, which is awesome because that means that the year is half over.  It's also awesome because I'll only have one prep and I'll have third block planning (So I have planning from 11:00-1:10 and can eat lunch at the time that most humans do.  Looks like someone will be getting lots of takeout from Saigon Bistro!).  I love the part of my job where I get lots of fresh starts and new beginnings.

5.  On Friday I went to Back in the Day Bakery with a friend, and while we were there, Southern Living magazine's photographers were there doing a photo shoot, like, RIGHT next to us.  Look for the April issue of Southern Living, which will be giving props to the best little bakery in the SAV, and know that I was sitting right next to that beautiful cupcake.

6.  Mitch is still insanely cute.

7.  Made marshmallows over the weekend.  I made them for Matt's godfather, who lives in South Florida and freezes whenever the temperature dips below 75.  He insisted that peppermint marshmallows had to be green, so I honored his weird request.  Ooh, and I figured out how to swirl them!

8.  Got a dresser for free from Craigslist.  I've got grand plans for it.  Get excited.

9.  When we were in Florida, Matt's mom bought me an awesome lamp for my birthday.

10.  And it has a spot on the awesome shelf that she also got for me.  Am I spoiled or what?  (Also, I am like the very last of all of my friends to get this shelf, and I couldn't be a happier copycat.)  Oh, and this will look different soon, once I get Cassie over here to help with shelf styling (already totally copied her sewing maching idea).  And, no, that's not Mitch's angelic glow off to the left; I just don't know how to take a good picture of the shelf with the lamp on it.

Hope your week is a breeze!


  1. I love that dresser! Oh, the possibilities. I forgot to mention to you that in my most recent Midwestern Living there was an article all about Savannah. Weird, since it's not in the midwest, but I think it was a travel and leisure article. It looks beautiful though. Really, any place that is green and not 10 degrees sounds great about now...

  2. Ooh! You should come visit! We have a guest room with a comfortable bed, and we're only like 20 minutes from the beach. . .

  3. Mandy, you are too awesome for words. Swirled marshmallow?! You could revolutionize the S'Mores industry.
