
24 April 2011

"Ode to the Cadbury Creme Egg"

Last week I sent Shecky a link to this recipe for Cadbury Creme Egg brownies. (Which may or may not be considered sabotage under the official, very strict rules and regulations for Operation: Skinny Unicorn.  Shoot.)

Only minutes later, I received an email that included this poem.  The poem itself is, as you'll see, already a literary masterpiece.  But the thing that I like most about it is when I think about Shecky sitting in her cubicle, wearing some power suit and being all professional and whatnot, giggling because she's actually writing a poem about her favorite candy.

So, on this fine Easter Sunday (He is RISEN! Praise the LORD!), I share with you Shecky's "Ode to the Cadbury Creme Egg."

Certainly delicious
Amazingly Awesome
Duh, like the best food ever
Best idea in the history of the world
U should really try one
R you kidding me that you don’t like them?
Y are they so freaking tasty?

Could I love them anymore?
Ridiculously addictive
Eggcellent (haha, that’s funny, right?)
A new addition to the food groups
Mmmnnn, yum yum yum

Earth Shatteringly good
Good for you (right?)
God love’em!!!

May your Sunday be filled with too much sugar and too much fun!  Moderation is for sissies.


  1. Seriously, I think this may be the best poem ever written. I may be a tad biased though. . .

  2. I made the mistake of going to Walmart the day before Easter, and I bought myself a Cadbury Creme Egg as a reward for not physically harming any of my fellow Walmart shoppers. They are all jerks. But Cadbury Creme Eggs are delicious.
